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2 participants

Messages : 414
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Plusieurs signatures   Plusieurs signatures EmptyMar 13 Juil - 19:27

[2010-07-13 18:25:36] - Yan Stastny signed with Avalanche for 725 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:36] - Yan Stastny was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:25:32] - Tyler Weiman signed with Avalanche for 850 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:32] - Tyler Weiman was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:25:26] - Ryan Johnson signed with Canucks for 875 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:26] - Ryan Johnson was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:25:14] - Philippe Dupuis signed with Avalanche for 700 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:14] - Philippe Dupuis was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:25:12] - Peter Schaefer signed with Canucks for 750 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:12] - Peter Schaefer was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:25:09] - Olivier Latendresse signed with Islanders for 450 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:09] - Olivier Latendresse was added to Islanders.
[2010-07-13 18:25:03] - Nathan Paetsch signed with Blue Jackets for 750 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:25:03] - Nathan Paetsch was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:24:59] - Mike Comrie signed with Islanders for 2 500 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:59] - Mike Comrie was added to Islanders.
[2010-07-13 18:24:57] - Mikael Tellqvist signed with Canucks for 600 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:57] - Mikael Tellqvist was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:24:51] - Michel Ouellet signed with Blue Jackets for 500 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:51] - Michel Ouellet was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:24:48] - Michael Peca signed with Canucks for 850 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:48] - Michael Peca was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:24:46] - Matt Hendricks signed with Avalanche for 700 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:46] - Matt Hendricks was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:24:43] - Matt Ellis signed with Canucks for 950 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:43] - Matt Ellis was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:24:40] - Mats Sundin signed with Canucks for 1 250 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:40] - Mats Sundin was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:24:28] - Mathieu Schneider signed with Canucks for 1 000 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:28] - Mathieu Schneider was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:24:22] - Mathieu Dandenault signed with Canucks for 675 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:24:22] - Mathieu Dandenault was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:23:58] - Martin St. Pierre signed with Islanders for 450 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:58] - Martin St. Pierre was added to Islanders.
[2010-07-13 18:23:55] - Mark Parrish signed with Canucks for 775 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:55] - Mark Parrish was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:23:52] - Lawrence Nycholat signed with Avalanche for 600 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:52] - Lawrence Nycholat was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:23:41] - Joe Rullier signed with Avalanche for 700 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:41] - Joe Rullier was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:23:37] - Jeff Halpern signed with Stars for 2 500 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:37] - Jeff Halpern was added to Stars.
[2010-07-13 18:23:33] - Jay Mckee signed with Red Wings for 1 300 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:33] - Jay Mckee was added to Red Wings.
[2010-07-13 18:23:27] - Jamie Lundmark signed with Blue Jackets for 600 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:27] - Jamie Lundmark was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:23:24] - Guillaume Latendresse signed with Wild for 1 500 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:24] - Guillaume Latendresse was added to Wild.
[2010-07-13 18:23:16] - Fredrik Modin signed with Canucks for 950 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:16] - Fredrik Modin was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:23:06] - Evgeny Artyukhin signed with Sabres for 900 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:06] - Evgeny Artyukhin was added to Sabres.
[2010-07-13 18:23:03] - Erik Christensen signed with Blue Jackets for 900 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:03] - Erik Christensen was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:23:01] - Eric Belanger signed with Sabres for 750 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:23:01] - Eric Belanger was added to Sabres.
[2010-07-13 18:22:50] - Doug O'Brien signed with Islanders for 450 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:50] - Doug O'Brien was added to Islanders.
[2010-07-13 18:22:48] - Derek Peltier signed with Avalanche for 550 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:48] - Derek Peltier was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:22:45] - Derek Morris signed with Sabres for 1 500 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:45] - Derek Morris was added to Sabres.
[2010-07-13 18:22:41] - Dean Mcammond signed with Sabres for 500 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:41] - Dean Mcammond was added to Sabres.
[2010-07-13 18:22:37] - David Koci signed with Avalanche for 600 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:37] - David Koci was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:22:31] - Darroll Powe signed with Blue Jackets for 600 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:31] - Darroll Powe was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:22:28] - Darren Haydar signed with Avalanche for 550 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:28] - Darren Haydar was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:22:24] - Darcy Tucker signed with Avalanche for 2 200 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:24] - Darcy Tucker was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:22:21] - Dan Ellis signed with Avalanche for 2 000 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:21] - Dan Ellis was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:22:05] - Curtis Sanford signed with Sharks for 650 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:22:05] - Curtis Sanford was added to Sharks.
[2010-07-13 18:21:31] - Chris Durno signed with Avalanche for 650 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:31] - Chris Durno was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:21:25] - Brian Willsie signed with Avalanche for 650 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:25] - Brian Willsie was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:21:20] - Brian Fahey signed with Avalanche for 575 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:20] - Brian Fahey was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:21:18] - Brett Skinner signed with Avalanche for 650 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:18] - Brett Skinner was added to Avalanche.
[2010-07-13 18:21:15] - Brett Lebda signed with Blue Jackets for 700 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:15] - Brett Lebda was added to Blue Jackets.
[2010-07-13 18:21:12] - Brandon Bochenski signed with Canucks for 775 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:12] - Brandon Bochenski was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:21:03] - Boyd Devereaux signed with Hurricanes for 450 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:21:03] - Boyd Devereaux was added to Hurricanes.
[2010-07-13 18:20:48] - Andy Hilbert signed with Canucks for 850 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:20:48] - Andy Hilbert was added to Canucks.
[2010-07-13 18:20:27] - Aaron Johnson signed with Sabres for 500 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2010-07-13 18:20:27] - Aaron Johnson was added to Sabres.
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Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Plusieurs signatures   Plusieurs signatures EmptyMar 13 Juil - 21:06

je t'ai envoyer un mp
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Messages : 414
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Plusieurs signatures   Plusieurs signatures EmptyMar 13 Juil - 21:56

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